3:45am up and dressed (so really up by 4:15). Out the door by 4:40 and on Big Ol' Blue and down The Hill.
Now for those of you who have not heard, this hill...The Hill, is pretty steep. Even the locals try and find a way around the hill. This past week I have now successfully biked up this bad boy. The first time I got to the top I threw my hands up in celebration at my awesome accomplish and my celebratory actions were returned by all the cars on the hill honking and cheering for me...instead of honking at me!
With the great hills of Portland, I can make it to work in about 5 minutes, depending on how long it takes to get up the other hill. From the moment I get to work, I'm a workin'. Straight through until I leave and head to class. Every day is on average an 18hr day. So needless to say, I'm a little tired...still. For my nutrition class we are required to record what we have eaten for three days and calculate our caloric, fat and other nutrients. With the new schedule, my records indicate that besides the salad and soup and 36 oz of water, I also consume about four ounces of Sour Patch Kids, 1/2 pint of Ben and Jerry's and at least one grilled cheese sandwich on any given week day.
There are several added perks such as having to taste EVERYTHING that comes in, including the new multi flavored truffles, new fruits (such as pluots and stone fruits), and any foods that I haven't tried, steel oats and the soup of the day. Not to mention the attractive delivery guy that I am forced to see twice a week. So, here's to hoping that I get more used to waking up at 4am and will survive the next year in one piece.
Tip of the Day: Sleep is important. But nutrition is also important. Sour Patch Kids do not count as a nutrient. Take the time to find out your daily caloric, fat, carb, protein, fiber and fluid intake. It's actually pretty cool what you'll find out...