Well. Work, play, learning, being an adult! The last few days have just flown by! First and foremost job. As great as the job sounded, the hours are proving to put me into poverty faster than my lack actually having a job. So, I'm back on the market. Interview tomorrow and then I'm on the prowl again. The best part of my job besides the awesome discount, is the picture Feature. Star Wars kitchen attire. So naturally I'm sold to continue working there.
The second cycle of class has been amazing. Yes, my change in attitude in just a few days. My emotional breakdown was just another step to making me realize that I am still growing up and realizing that I really do want this. I haven't sweated this much since my days with the GP Mustangs and the NHS Rangers. And those were due to the sun beating down and the rigorous sport. For a constant 4 hours I'm running around, mise en placing, chopping product, cooking stocks, sauces, setting my arms aflame, and weighing things. It is on average 90 degrees in our kitchen; people yelling kitchen speak; burning milk and mirepoix. I LOVE IT. Today, I was soaking wet with sweat from working my butt off and helping my classmates bust out six tables worth of dishes. I may be a Hermione and wore a hairnet for the first few days, and have lost/burnt off all of my arm hairs, but I'm a doer and I'm having fun!
After class on some days I'll have to go to work which makes it a 12 hour day on my feet. After my "first" day (I missed that real first day) I took off my shoes and realized I bled through my socks. Lesson=thicker socks and comfy shoes, perhaps some clogs. And after my 12 hour day on my feet, I finally make it home and actually don't want to cook anything, so I am lazy enough to eat cookies and milk out of the cartoon and I just dropped my tortilla and cheese on the floor...10 second roll.
So, it's really this is all worth it. In two days time I'm sure I'll find something else to pout about but for now, I'm being run ragged and it feels great. Every day after class, it's raining, pouring rain...it's great.
Tip for the Day: Mother Sauces are the foundations to everything; soups, small sauces, gravies, glazes. Enjoy them and make them right so you don't have to do them again if they are going into another food.
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