Today was one of my few days off and McAsian and I decided to really use the day. Through our sign ups for great deals in Portland, McAsian found coupons for ridiculously inexpensive sailing lessons. Unfortunately it was a bit on the cooler side and so we opted to use the tickets at a different time. So instead we stopped by a local billiards place for McAsian to apply for a job and perhaps grab some inexpensive food. They weren't open so I suggested a place that just opened up down the street from my house. A classy little restaurant and lounge called Element. After an exciting adventure of trying to find a parking spot we walked into the joint and our greeter seated us at the bar and turned out to also be our bartender.
Element is a local, organic, everything from scratch place. Tasty food, limited local brews but has some great potential. Our studly bartender provided us with some great conversation, cheap finds and recommendations to see and do. McAsian and I turned it into a business be discussed later.
Our early afternoon adventures took us out to LH Park. It was like being in the 'burbs in the city, really nice and it looked pretty safe. We parked the car and headed out to the grassy knolls to lay in the sun. After some more brainstorming and several cat naps (about an hour) we headed back to the car so we could head to a local bar for a free show and some evening fun! As we approached the car, we noticed shattered glass all over the ground. After chatting with the locals, they told us that they had had several smash and grab break ins. Well add us to the list. Several calls to the non emergency dispatch and a hefty clean up, McAsian finally filled out her over the phone police report. It seems that PDX only sends officers down if there is an emergency...yeah. But all is well. No one was injured and the things that were stolen are easily replaceable with money.
Needless to say, our evening was cut short but we still had a great day. McAsian and I decided to start another blog to document "Adventures of our Favorite Four Letter 'F' Word...FREE!" so be on the look out!
Tip for the Day: Look on the bright side, things could be worse. And don't forget smile.
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