This past Tuesday, McAsian and I headed to the very interesting bar of Dantes for one of my favorites, Slim Cessna's Auto Club. Based out of Denver (woot) they are group of energetic guys playing up some alternative country. They are currently on tour of the West Coast and home. So if you get a chance to see them, you should .
When we arrived we soon discovered that we were the pretty much the only people there and we were pretty sure that the ones that were there thought we were lost. Again, my color coordination with the city of Portland never ceases to make me stand out. We picked out a table to hang out at before the bands started, me wearing white and sitting with the only other girl in the bar. The place reminded us a little of Dantes Inferno and we reminisced about the days of the Honors Program from our undergrad days in Wyoming. We ordered some PBRs and waited.
The first band, and for the life of me I cannot remember their name, was a sweet four person local band that performs weekly in the NE. My favorite was their chicken renditions, made me want to get up and dance all by my lonesome self, but alas we did not. The second band...oh my. We found out later that the lead singer from the second band was a local regular to the bar and though he had been vetoed many a times to play, he still was right there up on stage. If he wasn't cussing, he was talking up on his soap box about something ridiculous. His adultery, man whore ways, his song about death was dedicated to the CEO of BP were only the tip of the ice berg. If you removed him, the band was actually not too bad. Though some of us had to excuse ourselves from hysterical laughing during their performance, we got through it without getting punched in the face.
Then SCAC came on, and I had looked forward to this show all month. Right off the bat they were drinking, singing and having a great time. And our little group of misfits in a bar were having the time of our lives, dancing our little hearts out right up front. At one point I looked up and realized that the rest of the crowd had given us two feet on every which side of us to avoid our dancing. The show was a little shorter than I would have liked but they did come back for an encore. I hadn't danced like that in a while. Even though I hadn't seen them in a couple of years, they were just as much fun as the first time I saw them in Denver (thanks C & S).
After our adventurous walk home (no interstate hopping this time), we made it back to K Dubs to kick it with Poho and ended up crashing there. The next morning we realized just how active we had been but was thankful that it was nothing too bad. McAsian had apparently been dropped on the floor and was suffering from a bruised elbow, my ab muscles, either from laughing or dancing are still sore as are my feet, our friend was short a debit card and no one was in jail or broke anything. Success. The pictures...oh the pictures; dear future employers...
So, thank you once again Slim Cessna's Auto Club for a sweet night in Portland and good luck with the rest of your tour!
Tip for the Day: Walk through the city in groups, you have more fun...
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