Thursday, August 19, 2010


Before coming out to Portland and even before working at WS, I had really never heard of the kife line, Shun. They are one of a few well-known lines through the world and are truly based on tradition. Shun knives are created using centuries of knowledge of samurai sword making. Home base for these kinves come from Japan though there are several distributors and stores throughout the world. They are light weight, beautiful and expensive knives.

Working at WS has made me somewhat knowledgeable on the 12 knife sets that we carry. And the line that we carry the most of is Shun and I am by no means, an expert on these knives. I really want a Shun because I like the way they feel and since they are meant for the main purpose of slicing. Recently Shun came out with a new line and so the the presidents of all of the regions had a meeting to discuss the new line and go out and check them out in the market.

Last night at work a group of Japanese men walked into the store and the Boss and I greeted them with an slight reference to relatives of mine... They were men on a mission and headed straight to the cutlery section. So, I walked over to ask if they wanted to see any of our knives. Ha, little did I know I should have asked, "Would you like to see any of your knives?" The first man turned around and said we had a beautiful display of knives and introduced himself as the President of the Northwest region for Shun. The man to his left, the Owner of Shun knives, visiting from Japan. Let the smoozing commence!

After chatting with them about their visit, I promptly hustled over to inform the Boss. After several minutes they looked around the store, thanked us and left. Quick visit but it was neat that came to our store. The Boss and I started talking about their visit and they had told him, "If you need anything let me know!" Why thank you, I'll take a 10-Piece Bob Kremmer block set please.

Tip for the Day: Know your products! You'll never know who is going to drop in and ask questions or admire your displays...!


  1. Awesome! Next question...Do you have a job opening for me, please?

  2. Haha, I know right?! Japan would be a neat place to live for a while....
